Jan 2, 2016

Who Are the Maryland Prats?

The first and second generation, with one exception, are Cuban immigrants from Camagüey who first settled in Maryland —Bethesda, to be exact— and promptly assimilated (the second generation’s Spanish is not so good).  We all arrived in Maryland in October 1965 and the second generation finished growing up here. Maternal grandparents (let’s call them generation zero) arrived in 1967. Generations zero and one are buried here in Maryland. The second, third and fourth generations are now dispersed, but there are still a number of Prats in Maryland, still in Montgomery County.

Specifically, we are the Prats-Martínez clan.This blog is a collection of documents, photos and stories —most factual, some veering towards legend— about the Maryland Prats clan and their ancestors on both sides of the family: the Prats-Respall and the Martínez-Rodríguez from Camagüey. Enjoy.

The First and Second Generation Maryland Prats, 1973
The little one on the right is the exception noted in the article. He is Maryland-born.